Melvin Sekhon
🚀 Welcome to my website!
I want to learn and work across many technologies
📜 Manifesto
I am very self-driven, curious person with an open mind, who's always seeking to learn and work across as many technologies and domains as I can 💡. My ambition has always been to create any kind of application that I want at any given time.
My hobby is all about learning new programming languages and improving the ones I already know. I also love to help people with their problems especially with Python 🐍. It's my favorite language of all time together with JavaScript!
Personally when things get stressful, I like to take a good sleep 🛌.
👩🏽🚀 Projects
Most of my projects are on my GitHub, check them out!
I use CodePen to learn and showcase my simple projects related to HTML, CSS and JS.
Some of my older projects and school work can be found here for now.
🏆 Accomplishments
I am fluent in Python, C#, JavaScript. I have created a web application with both Python and C#.
I have used Java, Kotlin and XML to create android applications for my personal use.
I have also learnt MySQL and Git.
Discovering the unexpected is more important than confirming the known.
― George Box
🌮 Work History
Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced.
― John Keats
Thank you for visiting! 😃